At the beginning of every year I like to turn the camera around and show what happens behind the scenes. I want to thank the amazing assistants who took the pictures throughout the 2013 wedding and engagement season. Leah, Anne and Anna (yes, this can be hard to keep straight on a busy wedding day) are incredibly helpful with our brides and making sure they are comfortable, setting up slideshows, backing up images as well as many other invaluable things. They also take many of these pictures of what happens throughout the wedding day.
Can you tell how much I love what I do?
We are always happy to help in any way, all part of the job!
I love this bride’s reaction at her first look!
Carolyn checking the lighting. It doesn’t get much better than this.
Here is the incredible Anne holding a reflector to help balance out the light.
This is definitely an acquired skill.
It helps to be limber to get angles like these.
Its always rewarding seeing a bride’s reaction to seeing her wedding photos the day of.
Our assistant Leah is always ready to run to the car in a rainstorm, or help with a pet dog. (I am pretty sure she prefers the second) On the left is the lovely and talented Michelle Lange, hiking through the rustling leaves to get a great angle on a first look.
Another same day wedding slideshow.
This guest was hoping for a dance with Leah.
While taking portraits we often invite the couples to get each other to laugh. I think Greg thought he was safe from the camera.
This wardrobe was awesome for Brenda’s bridal gown.
I love showing a few pictures, helps make a couple feel at ease when they see that they look great!
There is no location that isn’t worth climbing for a great angle.
I think Melanie agrees!
Epic photographs from this Central Park engagement session.
The main thing to remember when getting this close to water with a camera is to carefully lock your feet in place and don’t move the foot closest to the water.
Low and stealthy, like a ninja so as to not distract from the ceremony.
More slideshow reactions!
Anne working the angles.
More epic shots!
Anything for our brides!
Like a ninja.
This waterfront spot was amazing, can’t wait to photograph Laura and Dana’s wedding this year!
Here’s looking forward to more beautiful weddings and engagement sessions in 2014!
Diane Tomasello - I love, love, love your newest pictures of the rings and behind the scenes pictures.
Keep up the good work.
Love, Mom