Monday Marriage Moments {benefit of the doubt}

-We love marriage just as much as we love weddings. Take a moment to prepare not just for the wedding, but for the marriage-

Giving the benefit of the doubt. It sounds so simple, yet for me sometimes the simplest things are surprisingly difficult to carry out. I never even thought about this as a concept to apply to Paul and I until I read about it in a book on marriage. The author reminds us that despite our inevitable fights disagreements, our spouses are people of general good will and argues that more often than not we should give them the benefit of the doubt. Our spouses are people of good will? You might want to say, duh! That’s why we are (getting) married! But somehow in the heat of a discussion this logic gets buried behind sentiments of I’m right! But, just reminding myself of this simple truth at those moments I’m often moved to recognition and repentance of what I have done wrong. Or, if I am actually right it helps me to approach the issue with peace, gentleness, and forgiveness.

So if we remember that our spouses are people of good will then we can also more easily give them the benefit of the doubt. I don’t know if this is a woman thing or a Carolyn thing, but Paul is often refuting my assumptions when I “read between the lines”. He will say What? Did I say that?, and when I proudly say that even though he did not actually say those words I know how to interpret what he said.  Paul just laughs and says light-heartedly, I didn’t mean that at all. You’re so silly. And then I’m all mad for being wrong, on top of whatever reason that I invented in head. Hopefully I can heed the advice I read in that book. When I think I should be offended by something, to give Paul the benefit of the doubt. To remember, this is my husband, my caring, sensitive, loving, gentle, husband who loves me, whyyy would he come out of no where and offend me? Chances are, he probably did not. Giving the benefit of the doubt, not jumping to conclusions, not only does it save me from useless stress but it’s another way to show Paul my love. It lets him know that I recognize he is a person of good will, a loving husband, and I know I have a good man.


ps. Did you see the Giants game last night?! Even though I’m not much of a sports fan, since Paul’s grandfather played for the Giants back in the day when they wore leather helmets, I am a fan by association. I watch almost every game with Paul. That was a pretty awesome game, makes me more excited to see what happens at the Superbowl!!


Monday Marriage Moments {that’s your job}

-We love marriage just as much as we love weddings. Take a moment to prepare not just for the wedding, but for the marriage-

When we were engaged, the advice we were given was to “Divide and conquer” the everyday things of life. Mowing the lawn, folding laundry, making dinner, all that everyday and not-so-glamorous-but-still-needs-to-get-done stuff. We divide our chores, choose our domains, and then everything is taken care of. It was good advice, and we follow it. Sometimes a need will arise and I’ll find myself saying “that’s your job” or “that’s not my area“. And it’s true, but not very loving. Yes, it is important and good to divide up tasks and for us both to contribute to our home together. But that does not mean that we cannot help our beloved with their chores. How sweet is it when you walk up to the sink ready to get your hands dirty when alas! it is all done already! Woohoo! I have a little party to my myself for a minute. It is so sweet. A good friend who has been married longer than us recently said to me that they each have their own chores but they make a point to cross over into the others at times. When I heard this I realized that often when I say “that’s your job”  I’m really just pushing something off onto Paul because I know he will do it and I don’t want to. I can’t imagine Paul feels like having a little party to rejoice when I say that. And to be honest, neither do I. I do feel a sense of relief that I do not have to do something, but deep down I feel the sting of selfishness, and that really does not feel good. So I’ve been making an effort to follow in my friend’s footsteps and not only change my heart of selfishness but to cross over into Paul’s domain. So I took out the garbage, the recycling, even the garbage from the baby’s diaper pail, blah! I loathe every minute of it, every time. But as I remind myself that I am doing this out of love, that Paul may feel the sweetness of surprisingly finding his chore already complete, I know I’m allowing marriage to do it’s job – to make me a better person.


ps. I took this picture of Paul when I was pregnant with our little Leo. Paul is so hardworking and loving, I already knew that he would be a diaper champ.

pps. Only one more day left of voting for the 2011 Photo Contest! Remember all votes must be in by midnight on Tuesday, January 17th (that’s tomorrow!). The competition is so close!!! For more details click here.


Monday Marriage Moments {inbetween}

-We love marriage just as much as we love weddings. Take a moment to prepare not just for the wedding, but for the marriage-

I love going out on dates, going out for dinner, a drink, and especially ice cream. It’s one of my favorite things to do. And Paul knows this, so it’s definitely something that we are sure to make time for in order to invest in our relationship, no matter how busy we are. But even when we are able to go out every week (which, let’s be honest is not always possible) there are still 6 other days in the week that are just as important to our relationship. It would not make sense to neglect your beau for 6 days since you know there is an awesome date planned at the end of the week. Really, the special date night out is a celebration of the love that we share with our spouses all week long. So, what does that mean? Share love with your spouse every day, not just on the special days. And in the everyday there is not always an opportunity to romantically surprise your spouse (though, like I’ve said before even if you just have 10 extra minutes a little fun surprise is always welcome) but we can still love our husbands and wives in the little things, in the moments in between. In between loading the dishes into the dishwasher, in between getting dressed and leaving for work, in between going over important wedding planning details. Giving a little affection, doing a quick favor, offering a kind word of admiration or thanks. These little things can set a tone of love and joy. My favorite time to show a little love is when we’re getting ready for bed, just hanging out, brushing our teeth. The day is done, we’ve put all our projects and ideas to rest for the night, and there’s nothing in our way or distracting us. We’re just relaxed. So we have fun joking around and talking as we get ready for bed. It’s not a lot of time, 5 or 10 minutes at the most. But for us, after a long day of completing our respective tasks it’s just a few moments of shared time. Maybe for you and your love its something else or maybe you haven’t found it yet. Either way, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that we’re not waiting for a special time or event to show our spouse that we love them. Just taking those little moments in between to give a little love. Can you share an idea of a time or way that you or your fiance(e)/spouse likes to express love in the in between?




Monday Marriage Moments {prioritize}

-We love marriage just as much as we love weddings. Take a moment to prepare not just for the wedding, but for the marriage-

Last week we were hanging out on the couch while I was making mental to-do lists, identifying all the chores that needed to be done in order of importance, and labeling which of us would do which job. Paul interrupted by  taking a moment to spend time together by giving me a hug and a kiss (which I usually love because my love languages are affection and quality time) but I stopped him. I was doing something – making important mental notes. I brushed him off because it was not the right time for that, we could be affectionate and have couple time later – after the chores were done and my mind was not cluttered with all of my urgent things to do. Paul did not like that. I could not understand what the problem was, a time for everything and everything at its time. If I got my stuff done then my mind would be free and I could be more fully present and enjoy our time together, right? Well, that’s what I thought.

Later that day I took some time to reflect on the past year, where we were then and where we are now. I thought about how our son was just a new born baby. How we did not do anything but focus on our family. We did not worry about chores, or being anywhere on time. We just stayed home all day and focused on adapting to our new life, on those things that are most important. Even though it was a crazy time of adjustment, there was a great sense of peace because we made our family a priority over dishes, friends, everything. I’d like to have that peace everyday, not just when we have a new baby. I’d like love to be a priority all the time. Then, LIGHTBULB! This is exactly what Paul was trying to do earlier in the day. He knew there were chores to be done, but he also knows our marriage is more important and wanted to take out just a few minutes to show me how he loves me. He was putting the to-do list aside for a short time to make love a priority. Because while love, our marriage, our relationship, is not an urgent item on our to do list, it is really the most important item on our to do list. Yes, I feel a sense of uneasiness when the house is a mess, but it is nothing compared to the uneasiness I would feel if Paul and I were not connecting. If I wanted to have the peace that comes with putting love first, I should have gone against my type-A personality tendencies in that moment. Consider the more important things of life as a priority over my so called urgent things to do. As you may have guessed, I went back to Paul. I apologized and I thanked him for making our relationship a priority, “because the most important things in life are hardly ever urgent” (quote by Matthew Kelly)


p.s. What do you think? Scroll down to the comment box and let us know.

To see more pictures from Emily & Noah’s engagement session, click here.


Monday Marriage Moments {little surprises}

-We love marriage just as much as we love weddings. Take a moment to prepare not just for the wedding, but for the marriage-

Last week was a rough week. The little boy was in rare form and was testing my patience. I was not being super complainy or anything, I was just trying to be patient and remember this too shall pass. But Paul knew I was feeling it. He randomly came through the door with a dozen red roses and took me completely by surprise. I couldn’t help but smile. And to top it off he wrote me a beautiful card and even bought me mini Reese’s! Mmmm.. and that is seriously a big deal because he knows that I’m addicted to sweets and usually spares me the temptation of having it in the house. But this week he knew it would do me good. He wanted to make me happy, make me feel loved, and show that he’s thinking of me. And he did. I love it when he does something for me without any prompting. It also reminds me to do the same for him. Everyone loves a random surprise, to know that their spouse was thinking of you and gives you a surprise just because. I hope to remember to do the same for him. I have a wonderful husband, I love you Paul.


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